Wednesday 7 January 2015

I came across needle felting by accident. I saw a kit in Hobbycraft to make three needle felted penguins and I thought I'd give it a go, especially as the kit was only £3. I started to make the kit on one of my bad days when the Fibromyalgia was particularly angry and found the whole process to be incredibly therapeutic. The pain I get with Fibromyalgia can feel like a firework explosion of needle-pricks in my muscles and in needle felting you use a barbed needle to jab wool roving until it matts into the shape you want. There was something wonderful about jabbing the wool over and over again as my muscles felt like they were being pounded with a blunt needle - so cathartic! Such a release of tension! And you get to create something soft and lovely out of felt - win, win! Below are some of the things I've made by needle felting Merino wool.

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